ShareGrid Claim Form


Please include a description of the issue, potential causes for the issue, what the other member has said to you, and any other relevant information for the incident. ATTACH ANY RENTAL CHECKSHEETS, PHOTOS, OR DOCUMENTS THAT MAY BE RELEVANT TO THIS INCIDENT BELOW. After submitting this incident form, you will receive a confirmation email with your Incident ID number. A member of our team will contact you after we collect more information about the incident. If you have any questions or comments, please reply to the confirmation email.

FRAUD WARNING: Any person or business entity providing false, altered, or fraudulent statements, information, photos, and/or documents for identity verification, insurance, or claim purposes will face criminal prosecution and civil liability. ShareGrid will immediately report violators, their identity information, and any evidence of fraudulent and criminal activity to law enforcement agencies and prosecuting offices to be charged federally and under state laws. All incidents are thoroughly investigated. The information you submit on this Incident Form and your account information will be used for incident investigation and processing purposes and may be shared with law enforcement and any applicable ShareGrid users, insurance providers, brokers, or agents, including any assigned insurance adjusters, special investigation units, and private investigators. ShareGrid is not an insurance provider, broker, or agent. ShareGrid is not an insurance provider, broker, or agent. ShareGrid is not licensed in any state or country to be an insurance provider, broker, or agent.

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